Agent Change Log

This document describes new features, changes and bug fixes delivered by T-Plan RAP Agent 3.x releases.

Version 3.1.3 Updates

New Features

AGENT-2: Quick start guide

AGENT-1: Support drag and drop of a configuration file with RAP credentials

  • Users may drag and drop a configuration file sent within the trial email onto the Agent window to configure the RAP access instantly.

AGENT-7: Inject RAP provided license server address to Robot via CLI

  • If RAP is configured to provide a Robot license server address the Agent will inject it to every Robot session.

AGENT-8: Enable force stopping the connection on the GUI exit

  • The connection shutdown progress window displayed on application exit features a Force Stop button to kill the session forcibly.

AGENT-9: Enable entry of workitem parameters on manual execution

  • When a plain local workitem (.xml) gets manually executed via Agent it pops up a parameter editor if needed.

Bug Fixes

AGENT-3: Failure to start automation is not reported properly
AGENT-4: Invalid results in Executed Items table for local workitems
AGENT-5: Enable matching of Agent and RAP results
AGENT-6: Crash of a RAP job creates two result records in the Agent
AGENT-10: Enable export of plain workitems to older RAP versions