
The RAP Home page is the default location when a user logs in. It shows The RAP Home page acts as the default landing page for all users. It provides an initial system check to ensure that all main elements within your RAP system are setup and present.

In the event that the app is not setup correctly, the Home page will display information on what is missing. The animation of the orange bar illustrates where the setup check has gotten to. 

The Home page shows overview text on aspect of the app. From here you can see links to show you a guided tour through the app - an interactive demonstration and overview of what each page does - as well as a link to our 'getting started' youtube videos - helpful walkthroughs explaining the app. 

There is also links to Agents, Workitems, Processes, and Results pages, as well as info on each of these pages linking to this documentation. 

When you are familiar with the app, the home page may be less useful - you can set the dashboard as the first page you'll see by navigating to that page and ticking the box in the top left labelled 'make this my homepage'.