Linux Installation of the T-Plan License Server

The T-Plan License Server runs on the .NETCore internal web server, Kestrel. Therefore, in addition it requires a reverse proxy server (e.g. NGINX, Apache) in order to safely serve the application to the internet.

The instructions below detail how to setup and use the T-Plan License Server on NGINX, using yum, however others are supported.

Windows Setup

If you want to install the License Server on Windows, please see find the installation details here.

MySQL Compatibility Update

If you are using MySQL version 8.0.29 or later please ensure you are running the latest version of the T-Plan License Server (v3.0.4 onwards).

MySQL applied key updates in this release which were not backwards compatible with the .NET libraries used by the License Server prior to v3.0.4.

Anyone looking to upgrade their MySQL instance should therefore upgrade to the latest License Server also.


  • yum for Linux
  • Reverse proxy server (NGINX installation instructions below)
  • MySQL (installation instructions below)

Setup and Configuration

Install third party components

Log in to Linux OS and install NGINX if not already available:

[me@centos ~]$ sudo yum install epel-release
[me@centos ~]$ sudo yum install nginx

Install MySQL 8 if not already installed:

[me@centos ~]$ sudo rpm -Uvh
[me@centos ~]$ sudo sed -i 's/enabled=1/enabled=0/' /etc/yum.repos.d/mysql-community.repo
[me@centos ~]$ sudo yum --enablerepo=mysql80-community install mysql-community-server
[me@centos ~]$ sudo service mysqld start

Set MySQL root password. This will ask for the current password – installation will have set a temporary password that can be read from the MySQL log file:

[me@centos ~]$ sudo cat /var/log/mysqld.log

Make note of the temporary password now shown on the screen for when the following asks for it:

[me@centos ~]$ sudo mysql_secure_installation

Now log into MySQL as root and set up the blank DB and user:

mysql > create database tplanls;
mysql > create user ‘licuser’@’localhost’ identified by ‘SomePassword’;
mysql > grant all on tplanls.* to ‘licuser’@’localhost’
mysql > flush privileges;

As an alternative to the above, if installed you can create the database and user through MySQL Workbench.

Install T-Plan License Server

Login to Linux OS, and download the required build of License Server:

[me@centos ~]$ wget

Unpack the file:

[me@centos ~]$ tar -xzf LicenseServer_Linux.tar.gz

This will create a local folder “tplanls”. CD into this folder and run the installer:

[me@centos ~]$ cd tplanls
[me@centos ~]$ sudo ./

Follow the prompts as directed. This will install the application, set it up as a service and start the service. Verify the service is running:

[me@centos ~]$ sudo systemctl status tplanls

Check the logs if there are errors reported.

At this point, if everything went to plan, you’ll now have a License Server running on http://localhost:5000 and you’ll be able to connect to it locally through your browser. When you first connect it’ll go through the Initialise phase and then the Server License setup phase.

Following initialisation select “Request Server License” and send the displayed code to T-Plan. They will return an activated license for you to apply.

To make this server available to the network, you now need to add a reverse proxy. The steps to do this vary depending on server being used, but most of our testing has been performed using NGINX.

You’re all done – you should have a License Server up and running. Congratulations!


The MySQL password is in plain text in the service file. This MUST be secured, and the best way of doing this is to restrict access to the tplanls.service file to root only. Do that with this command:

[me@centos ~]$ sudo chmod 700 /etc/system/system/tplanls.service

Now only 'root' can view this file.

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