Docker Installation of the T-Plan License Server

The T-Plan License Server can be run within Docker for a quick and simple option.

Docker is an industry standard cross-platform containerized deployment solution. For more details, please see their website:

Docker can be installed into closed networks that have no internet connectivity, however this does first require the components to be downloaded from an internet facing machine.

The following instructions assume that you have access to a MySQL instance, and have created an appropriate target schema.

The MySQL instance can be run in a separate docker container, or it may be a native installation on the local machine/network.

Online Installation

If you do not have Docker installed already please ensure you have both Docker and Docker-Compose installed and accessible.

For example:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli

For more details please see the Docker website: 

Install Docker Engine | Docker Documentation

Install Docker Compose | Docker Documentation

You do not need Docker Desktop, just the Docker Engine

With Docker installed, the License Server can be launched with a simple single command, as below:

docker run -d -p 5200:5200 -e ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT='Development' -e "ASPNETCORE_URLS=http://*:5200" -e "MYSQLCONNSTR_LicenseServerDB=server=[MySQLServerAddress];user id=[MySQLUser];password=[MySQLPassword];database=[MySQLDB]" tplan/licserver:

Once installed, you should be able to access the License Server in your browser using either 'localhost' or your defined domain.

Upon first launch, you will need to "Initialize" the database. After which you will be asked to enter your provided License Server license.

Offline Installation

Although the docker composition can be run within an isolated network, the required components must first be downloaded before being transferred onto the target system.

The process therefore is... download, move, run.


The required components can be downloaded from an online environment as follows:

The T-Plan License Server Docker container

From an online machine, run the following command from a Terminal prompt to pull the public contain er from docker hub:

docker pull tplan/licserver:
docker save tplan/licserver: > /home/[user]/Documents/tplan_licserver.tar

Docker runtimes:

Go to
Chose the appropriate distro
Navigate to pool/stable/<processor architecture>
Download most recent version of each package


Copy the downloaded T-Plan and Docker packages to the end target (offline) machine


The downloaded docker packages need to be installed, using the following terminal commands:

dpkg -i <package1> <package2> <package3>

Then you can verify the Docker service is running by switching to /opt/ and executing:

systemctl status docker.service

You should then add the user to the docker Group:

sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

Next we need to load the downloaded License Server docker image into docker:

sudo docker load -i /home/[user]/Documents/tplan_licserver.tar

Finally, we can use docker run to startup the License Server application as a docker container:

docker run -d -p 5200:5200 -e ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT='Development' -e "ASPNETCORE_URLS=http://*:5200" -e "MYSQLCONNSTR_LicenseServerDB=server=[MySQLServerAddress];user id=[MySQLUser];password=[MySQLpwd];database=[MySQLdb]" tplan/licserver:

Once installed, you should be able to access the License Server in your browser using either 'localhost' or your defined domain.

Upon first launch, you will need to "Initialize" the database. After which you will be asked to enter your provided License Server license.

<< User Guide Install Main License >>

Related Topics:

» License Server Interface

» T-Plan Robot User Guide

» T-Plan Robot Product Change Log