Menu And Tool Bar Reference
The table below lists available menu items and toolbar buttons available in the main T-Plan Robot Enterprise GUI window.
- The tool bar contains just a subset of actions available in the menus.
- Menu items with names in green are new to version 2.x.
- Menu items with names in dark red are new to version 3.x.
Keyboard shortcuts marked with an asterisk in red color (*) are configurable through the Menu & Toolbar panel of the Preferences Window.
Menu Item
New Project
Create a new project.
Open Project
Open an existing project.
Reopen Project
Reopen one of the previously opened projects.
Close Project
Close the current project.
New Script
Open a new script editor (untitled). The content type is by default set to the proprietary script language. Should you want to convert the editor to a Java class, save it to a file with .java extension.
Open Script
Open an existing script in a new editor.
Reopen Script
Reopen a script. T-Plan Robot Enterprise maintains a list of max. 10 previously opened scripts which are saved in the user preferences. This menu provides a quick way to reopen them.
Save Script
Save content of the active editor. If the script is untitled, a file browser gets displayed and user has to specify a file name to save the script to.
Save Script As
Save content of the active editor under a different name. A file browser gets displayed and user has to specify a file name to save the script to.
Save All
Save all open modified scripts. A file browser gets displayed for each untitled script and user has to specify a file name to save the script to.
Export To Java
Export script in the active editor to Java code. This will open a new editor with a complete Java class which has the same functionality as the original script. A window with preferences is displayed before the conversion takes place to allow customization of the output Java code. This functionality is available only if the active editor contains a script in the scripting language and the menu item is disabled for other contents.
Close Script
Close the active editor. If the content is modified, a warning message gets displayed with options to save/discard the changes or to cancel the operation.
Close Other
Close all editors except for the active one.
Close All
Close all editors. A warning message gets displayed for each modified editor with options to save/discard the changes or to cancel the operation.
Delete Script
Delete the script in the active editor.
Close the application and exit. Any connection to a desktop is shut down. A warning message gets displayed for each modified editor with options to save/discard the changes or to cancel the operation. If a script is being executed, a warning is also displayed with options to stop the execution(s) or cancel the shut down operation.
Undo the last edit in the active editor.
Redo the last edit in the active editor.
Cut selected text to the clipboard.
Copy selected text to the clipboard.
Paste content of the clipboard into the active editor.
Select All
Select all text in the active editor.
Comment Out/Uncomment
Comment out or uncomment the current code line or selected text.
Find and alternatively replace a string in the active editor.
Go To Line
Go to a line specified by a number in the active editor.
Code Templates
Open the Code Template Editor window.
Open the Preferences window.
Ctrl+Alt+R*Right Alt Right Ctrl
Start/Stop recording of the actions performed in the desktop viewer into the active editor. See the Script Recording page for more information on this feature. To exit the recording mode in the Local Desktop connection press the right Alt or Control key.
Component Capture
Open the Component Capture tool to create a script action on top of a component image, color or text recognized through OCR (since v2.2).
Perform the pinch or zoom gesture on the connected device (since 3.5).
Screenshot Command
Display the Screenshot Command window which allows you to construct a Screenshot command and insert it into the active editor.
Compareto Command
Display the Compareto Command window which allows you to construct a Compareto command and insert it into the active editor.
Waitfor Command
Display the Waitfor Command window which allows you to construct a Waitfor command and insert it into the active editor.
Image Doctor Records
Display the Image Doctor Records window which shows the records of failed image comparisons.
Compile script in the active editor.
Execute/pause/resume the current workitem or the script in the active editor.
Execute Selection
Execute/pause/resume commands selected in the active editor. See the editor Execute Selection feature.
Stop the workitem or script execution.
Enable Image Doctor
Enable or disable the Image Doctor which allows to resolve failed image comparisons without having to stop the script executions.
Enable Image Doctor Warning
Enable or disable displaying of the Image Doctor Warning window in the automation mode (when Robot was started with the r/-run CLI option). This menu item is present in the menu only in the automation mode. The option may be alternatively updated in the Image Doctor screen of the Preferences window.
Step-by-step execution
Step by Step Execution flag. If this flag is selected, the script execution is paused after every line. See also the Execute Selection chapter of the Script Editor page.
Follow Execution Trace
This is a flag specifying whether to follow the currently executed line in script editor. When a script is being executed, T-Plan Robot Enterprise switches among editors and scrolls the view to show the executed line. Deselecting of this menu item/toolbar button switches this feature off. Also when you switch open editors manually or start to edit a file during a script execution, this flag gets automatically deselected.
Show Execution Animations
Enable or disable animations showing mouse, keyboard and image comparison actions on the desktop view during a script execution.
Disable Output
Disable all script execution outputs. When selected all Screenshot, Report and Log commands or their counterpart Java methods will be executed successfully but they will not produce any files. This button has the same functionality as the --nooutput CLI option. See the CLI Options for more info.
Workitem Editor
Open the Workitem Editor tool. It allows to create workitems (formerly called "schedules") which define sequences of one or more scripts to be executed within a single Robot process.
Connect Desktop
Connect to a desktop. The Login Window gets displayed and user can connect to another server. Once the authentication succeeds and the remote desktop image is received, T-Plan Robot Enterprise displays the server desktop in the desktop viewer.
Disconnect Desktop
Disconnect from the currently connected desktop.
Reconnect Desktop
Reconnect a desktop. T-Plan Robot Enterprise maintains a list of max. 10 previously connected servers which are saved to the user preferences. This menu item provides a quick way to reconnect them. Passwords are not saved and must be specified each time through the Login Window.
Read Only Mode
This flag allows to switch the desktop viewer to read-only mode. See the desktop viewer help topic for more.
Display Workflow When Connected
or hide
the workflow panel when a desktop is connected.
Desktop Preferences
Short cut to the Desktop Viewer panel of the Preferences window.
Keyboard Tool
Display the Keyboard Tool window.
Take a Screenshot
Display the Take a Screenshot window which allows to save the desktop image or its part to a file.
Display the Plugin Manager Window supporting plugin listing, installation, uninstallation, enabling and disabling as well as discovery of plugins available in a JAR file or Java class path.
Import T-Plan Script
Import T-Plan Script window creates an automated script template based on a script entity in the T-Plan database. The window is part of integration with T-Plan Professional.
Export Results To T-Plan
Export Results to T-Plan exports results from automated testing to the T-Plan database. The window is part of integration with T-Plan Professional 7.0.
License Key Manager
License Key Manager is a simple window allowing to add or remove license keys. It displays automatically on startup when no valid license is installed and it is also availabe through this menu item. Role of license keys is described in the T-Plan Robot Enterprise Release Notes.
Update & Upgrade
Update & Upgrade window exposes T-Plan Robot Enterprise releases from the T-Plan release server and allows to download new software versions and/or upgrade the current installation.
Result Manager
Result Manager keeps track of results produced by scripts since the application start and allows their viewing, editing and saving.
Export Script Comments
Export Script Comments window allows to process comments present in the main script body and export them to a file.
CLI Wizard
Create a CLI command which will start Robot and execute the selected script (since 3.2). The command may be then stored to a batch file (Windows) or a shell script (Linux/Unix) and called from third party schedulers to execute the script automatically.
Character Capture
Character Capture Wizard window allows to create, view and maintain character image collections.
Display the About Window. It contains the T-Plan Robot Enterprise version (including the build number), copyright info, license text and system properties of the current Java environment.
Log Viewer
Log Viewer window manages the T-Plan Robot Enterprise application logs.
Help Topics
Display contents of the T-Plan Robot Enterprise Online Help.